Faithful in Hard Times
Peter’s story of faith began when Jesus said, “Follow Me.” (Matt. 4:18) Peter and his brother Andrew—two fishermen from Galilee—left their nets and followed Jesus. As one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, Peter witnessed firsthand Jesus’ miracles and teachings.
Peter believed that Jesus is the Messiah (Matt. 16:16), and he was understandably upset when Jesus predicted that Peter would deny Him (Matt. 26:34-35). Peter fell asleep as Jesus prayed in the garden, and he drew his sword to defend Jesus when He was arrested. (Matt. 26:40; John 18:10) Peter denied Jesus three times, but after the resurrection Jesus appeared to Peter and the other disciples. Then Jesus restored Peter to ministry at the sea of Galilee. (John 21:15-19)
The first 12 chapters in the Book of Acts record the Holy Spirit’s work through Peter after Pentecost. God revealed to Peter that the gospel is for everyone—Jews and Gentiles. Peter was arrested and imprisoned for sharing the gospel, but an angel of the Lord rescued him. (Acts 12:1-8)
Peter wrote his first letter sometime between AD 62 and 64 to believers who had experienced persecution and suffering. He encouraged them and reminded them how to live holy lives as followers of Christ, looking forward to an eternal reward in their true home—heaven.
Peter’s letter was written nearly two thousand years ago to believers who were not far removed from Jesus’ life on earth. We still wait eagerly for Jesus’ return, but God calls us to faithfulness in hard times—using our time on earth to better know and love Him, and to tell others about Him. As believers, we are all called to live a life of love and to glorify God by what we do and say, even in the midst of trials and troubles.
The Bible says Christians will suffer for following Jesus. Peter encouraged believers who faced persecution for their faith. Through suffering, God can make us more like His Son. Jesus gives us hope and true life so we can live joyfully for Him, even in hard times.
Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.
- To whom did Peter write his letter? (The scattered Christians experiencing hardship, 1 Peter 1:1)
- What did Peter call the hardships the Christians faced? (The goal of their faith, 1 Peter 1:9)
- Who is the Christians’ faith and hope in? (God, 1 Peter 1:21)
Babies and Toddlers
- People who love Jesus have many troubles.
- Peter told believers to hope in Jesus.
- Jesus went through hard times to rescue us.
- We can live for Jesus even in hard times.
- The Holy Spirit helps us.
- Peter encouraged believers going through hard times.
- How does the Holy Spirit help Christians? The Holy Spirit comforts us, shows us our sin, and guides us as we live for God’s glory.
- Peter encouraged believers who faced persecution.
- How does the Holy Spirit help Christians? The Holy Spirit comforts us, shows us our sin, and guides us as we live for God’s glory.
UNIT KEY PASSAGE – 2 Peter 1:3
NEXT WEEK – “Living Like Jesus” (2 Peter 1)