Milestones Launch | Milestones Young Adults.
May 21, 2023 12:30 - 2:30pm
Sunday, May 21 we will have two of our Milestone Classes available for anyone who is interested.
LAUNCH– This milestone is for all parents/guardians of high school juniors, seniors, and above.
YOUNG ADULT– This milestone is for graduating seniors and college age students.
We desire for families to be prepared through whatever life stage you are walking. Whether you just welcomed a new baby into this world, dealing with the sensitivity of young hearts and purity, graduating or entering the workforce, or leaving a spiritual legacy for your children and grandchildren, Milestones is for you.
Classes will be held on Sunday May 21. We will have a meal from 12:30pm-1pm in the HUB. Parents will stay in the HUB for the Launch Milestone and Students will have the Young Adult Milestone in the Fusion 5/6 Room in Crossover near the ramp.
Please help us by signing up to ensure we have enough space and food!