Sunday Worship Bulletin

8:45am Traditional Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Call to Worship 

Opening Prayer

Special Music

Sermon………………………………………………………….Jason Smith

Closing Prayer: 

9:45am Crossover Service

Welcome Church

Worship in Song

Worship in God’s Word……………………………………Jason Smith

Invitation to Respond

Closing Prayer: 

11am Crossover Service

Welcome Church

Worship in Song

Worship in God’s Word……………………………………Jason Smith

Invitation to Respond

Closing Prayer: 


Be a Door Holder

Sunday Morning Groups

Groups, Kids, and Students

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES AND SMALL GROUPS:  More information on groups here: GROUPS


WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-7:30PM | Grades 1-4 | Royal Ambassadors (boys) and Girls in Action (girls). For more information, please contact Kellie at

Mission Friends | Nursery to Kindergarten | 6:30-7:30PM

WEDNESDAYS  |  6:30-7:30PM |  Grades 5-12  |  Worship, Message and Small Groups. For more information please contact Chris at

SUNDAYS |10:00AM  Sunday School|  Grades 5-12  |  High Schools meets in the Crossover Room beside the ramp | Middle School meets in Room G117