The Great Flood
Genesis 6-9
Discussion Questions:
1. Why did God send the great flood?
Answer: God saw people were sinful, and their hearts were full of violence. God was sad that He had made people because their sin was leading them to do terrible things. God sent a flood to judge their sin. God always does what is right, and God is right to judge sin.
2. Who did God choose to save from the flood?
Answer: God saved Noah and his family through the safety of the ark. Noah was a sinner too, but Noah followed the Lord. All people sin, and we deserve God’s punishment for our sin. But like God saved Noah, God provides the way for us to be saved through His Son, Jesus.
3. What sign and promise did God give Noah?
Answer: God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise to never flood the earth again. God told Adam and Eve that a savior would one day come into the world from their family. God kept that promise by keeping Noah safe during the flood. Noah came from Adam and Eve’s family, but he wasn’t the promised Rescuer. One day, Jesus would come from the family of Noah, to save anyone who trusts in Him.