Grace Filled Marriage
September 6, 2023 | The Hub
Couples come to the altar bursting with love for each other. Yet, based on how many marriages are unfulfilling, unhappy, or worse yet, end in divorce, it would seem that the love that gets couples married isn’t enough to keep couples married. Maybe if we had the ability to love unconditionally, like God does, love would be enough…but we don’t. Therefore, love falls short. Love isn’t enough to save struggling marriages.
This study explores a radical hypothesis: Most marriages don’t fail because they lack love…they fail because they lack grace.
Note: This study is 100% more effective and complete if each participant has their own discussion workbook. Also, we recommend that couples purchase and read the book Grace Filled Marriage to maximize the benefits of this study. Links to purchase both are below.
Grace can make good marriages into great marriages. Grace can bring intimacy and restoration to broken marriages. Grace means giving your spouse something they desperately need, but don’t necessarily deserve…things like kindness, forgiveness and the benefit of the doubt. And the best part is that if we focus on grace, the love we so desire with our spouse will naturally follow.
In this study, couples will:
- Discover what lens they are viewing their spouse through, and how flawed lenses lead to flawed relationships
- Discover how to meet their spouse’s 3 inner needs of the heart
- Discover how to give their spouse 4 vital freedoms
- Learn how to resolve conflict
- Learn how a relationship built on grace results in mind-blowing sex
- Learn how a Grace Filled Marriage leads to a life that truly make a difference