WNC Relief
September 28, 2024 - October 12, 2025
At Cowee we desire for 100% of the church to be participating in MISSIONS locally, nationally, and globally. Our mission statement is to empower generations to Love God, Love people, and put Love in Action. God has commanded us to GO- go make disciples and go be HIS witnesses. At Cowee, we desire to provide opportunities for everyone to engage in missions.
"8 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Prayer is one of the most powerful tools in missions. Consider praying for all of those involved in the mission efforts of Cowee. Pray how God will use you in missions. Pray for those God is calling to go, give, and equip for missions.
Love in Action is the motto and mission of Cowee Baptist. Love in Action assembles to engage in hands-on missions such as writing cards of encouragement; sending care packages to soldiers and cancer patients; delivering meals to the elderly, sick and homebound; praying over prayer requests and more. Love in Action culminates in a large Love In Action Day every May. On Love in Action Day the entire church family assembles and then disperses to do various acts of love across the entire county.
The purpose of BROTHERHOOD is to help Christians share the love of Jesus by praying, giving, going and becoming actively involved in missions with their time and talents. Brotherhood consists of the following age-level organizations: Royal Ambassadors (RAs), Challengers and Baptist Men (ages 18 and up). Cowee’s Baptist Men has vibrant firewood and construction ministry projects. The Baptist Men meet monthly on Family Missions Night (the 1st Wednesday after the 1st Sunday of each month) at 7pm. They also meet once a month, regularly, for group workdays at 8:30 a.m, every 1st Saturday morning after the 1st Sunday of each month.
If you are interested in participating in the Brotherhood activities contact Paul Pieringer at Pieringer4@comcast.net.
Woman’s Missionary
Union challenges Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God.
The objectives of WMU (formerly called “areas of missions focus”) reflect a biblical understanding of missions and provide a holistic approach to missions awareness and participation. Content in WMU materials supports these objectives, providing a comprehensive and balanced approach to missions in the church.
Pray for Missions
To pray for missions means to communicate with God on behalf of missions work, people involved in missions work, and people that need to know and accept God’s redeeming love.
Engage in Mission Action and Witnessing
The teaching and actions of Jesus recorded in the New Testament show us that the Christian faith is not stagnant but active and participatory. We are to share the gospel in word and deed verbally and through our actions.
Learn About Missions
Learning about missions helps believers better understand what God says about making His name known throughout the earth.
Support Missions
Christians have a part in upholding the cause of missions, maintaining missions work, and encouraging missions personnel.
Develop Spiritually Toward a Missions Lifestyle
For the believer, spiritual development involves growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ. It involves day-to-day living that applies and carries out the missions imperatives of God’s Word.
Participate in the Work of the Church and Denomination
As a missions ministry within a congregation, WMU encourages and provides opportunities for all church members and other participants to be aware of and involved in missions and cooperates with other missions ministries within the congregation to help the congregation fulfill its missions potential.
In 1888, a handful of women dedicated to the cause of missions founded Woman’s Missionary Union. Since that time, WMU has become the largest Protestant organization for women in the world, with a membership of approximately 1 million. WMU also was the first and remains the largest body of organized laity in the Southern Baptist Convention.
From the beginning, WMU’s main purpose has been to educate and involve women, girls, and preschoolers in the cause of Christian missions. It accomplishes these purposes primarily through age-level organizations.
Financial support of missionaries has always been a priority for women involved in WMU. When the women founded the national organization in 1888, one of their first items of business was to accept the request to raise money for the two mission boards. Within the first year, the women contributed over $30,700 to the two entities.
The women’s efforts to raise money for the two mission boards are known today as the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. The Christmas offering originated in 1888 and was named for Lottie Moon in 1918. The Easter offering originated in 1895 and was named for Annie Armstrong in 1934. The two offerings remained women’s offerings until 1956, when WMU agreed to promote the offerings churchwide. By the end of 1998, WMU had helped lead Southern Baptists to contribute nearly $2.5 billion to the two offerings.
Cowee believes we are to minister at home and to the ends of the Earth. From partnerships in NY City to our current work in Honduras, we encourage every member to set aside 5% of their year to be on mission locally and around the world.
Honduras has been the destination of many of our recent international trips- partnering with the poorest of communities.
Every Tuesday at 7 PM there is an opportunity to serve within the local detention center in Macon County. There we have a worship service with music and a Bible lesson. Contact Pastor Ron for involvement at ronnie@cowee.church
God is glorified through unity and Cowee works with many other likeminded Christian ministries to glorify God and achieve more good collectively than we could on our own. Some of Cowee’s current partnerships are: Upper90 Georgia and Honduras; Clarkston, GA; Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina Drake Cottage (boys home); Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina Foster Care; CareNet; Macon New Beginnings; The Smoky Mountain Pregnancy Care Center; Relay for Life, Kid’s Place; Men’s Teen Challenge of the Smoky’s (addiction recovery) and more.
We know that not everyone can go physically on a mission trip, but we can go through praying and giving towards to mission. If God is calling you to give financially as your way of going you GIVE
Check out this video for a recap of one of our recent trips to Clarkston, Ga working with refugees in this incredible city. From Cowee Valley to remote villages in Africa, we embrace the call to go and to make disciples!
Matthew 28:19–20
19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”