Parent: a protector or guardian.

Technology, like many things, can be used for good and evil. It is our job to manage the danger and protect and equip our families to navigate this ever-changing climate. We believe parents engage in this area wisely by doing the four following things.

These topics are covered in our age appropriate milestone classes, but great resources are available below.


Focus on the Family Tech Guide
Free RightNow Media Subscription

Raising children in a tech-obsessed social media world is tough. What limits do you put on it? Is it safe? Why can’t kids just put their phones down?

Make sure to sign- up for RightNow Media First.

Protect Your Home Internet

This is a free service that you can put on your router that will block adult content.


As your kids get older, you’ll notice some… changes. It just means you’re all growing forward. Life360 can make even the most awkward phases easier.


Accountability Software for Your Devices. (please note that a generous donor is covering the cost of this software for our students as needed)