8:45 am Traditional Worship
March 24, 2025
The Traditional Worship Service meets at 8:45am every Sunday in the Sanctuary. The message from our pastor is the same in both worship services, but the worship style differs in the Traditional Service from Crossover. Though we have 2 different services, we are still one church family united in the mission we have been called to by Christ.
Sundays have a great mix of people who dress casually and who prefer to dress up. What you wear is really just up to your preference. Once you get here, you will find a group of people of all ages and backgrounds who would love to get to know you.
The Traditional Worship service is followed by Sunday School at 10am. There are a wide array of adult classes that you can choose from. Children’s ministries are available during the Traditional Worship Service and the 10am Sunday School hour that follows.
The Traditional Worship Service has a blended musical style that ranges from traditional hymns out of the Baptist Hymnal to Southern Gospel selections. All are prayerfully selected to enhance worship and honor God. Our music director, choir members and other musical groups are all dedicated volunteers who love praising God through music.
We would love to connect with you and help you feel at home. Contact us below and our team will be in touch with you.